Today I went for a long trip to Pasaman, one Kabupaten in northern part of West Sumatera. I was accompanied by a friend who had sit for NLP Practitioner and Master training. We talked or discussed many topics and try to relate it to NLP. As a matter of fact there are so many things that can be analysed by using NLP. When we talked about teaching and learning process in school setting and in training setting, we find NLP is there. When we talked about parenting, NLP is a powerful and useful tools to use. When we talked about business communication and presentation, we can do much better by applying the knowledge of NLP. When we discussed about therapy and healing, you can rely on NLP.
So we came to a conclusion that most of the things that we find our daily activities can be analysed, utilized, and improved by using NLP.
By the time you read this article, I was applying one of NLP tool that is reframing your understanding on NLP. Why I did so? Many (how many?) when they talked about NLP as if they talked about one academic and complicated theory of personal development and communication methods.
Is it so?
Yap! You're right ...
Of course NOT.
NLP is about your daily life...
NLP is about your daily communication...
NLP is about your day to day interaction with people, with the environment, with the situation...
NLP is about LIFE
Where can I join NLP training in west sumatera?