What is NLL?
It is a tool that we can use to solve people's difficulties. It is a set of level of thinking of a person. When we are in trouble in certain situation we can analyse what is the cause and easily find the solution. Whether it is the environment that cause the trouble, or whether it is the behaviour that needs to be improved, or whether it is the skill or capabilities that we need to improve, or whether it is the value system that we need to change, or whether it is the feeling of existence that we need to build, lastly whether it is the spiritual obstacles that we need to recharge.
Well...in which level you find your difficulties?
Have a great day...
Kamis, 25 Desember 2008
Selasa, 23 Desember 2008
Well Formed Outcome
In not more than two weeks we will come to a new year.
What is a new year mean?
For some people it doesn't mean anything. A new year eve just another night they spend without any different from other nights.
For some other it just a night for celebrating a special night with friends and colleagues.
For the rest of the people, and I don't think there are many of this kind, consider new year's eve as a moment for creating a future plan. They are making what is known in NLP as Well Formed Outcome.
So what is well formed outcome?
The idea is that you answer the question of "What do you want?"
You should mention what you want in order to really feel it. It is like a target when you shoot. This goal must be stated in positive sentence. For example instead of saying that you DON'T WANT TO BE SICK then it is much powerful if you say you WANT TO BE HEALTHY.
Once you know what do you want or what do you want to be then you start asking "When do you decide to get what do you want?"
Once you know when you want to get it, you then ask "What does it feel when you get it?"
If you can feel it, taste it, smell it or see the thing that you want then you will be more powerful, energetic, and highly motivated to work and reach it.
So now you start asking "What are the resource that you have to get it?"
One presupossition that you must keep in your mind that "People have all the resources they need within themselves." The challenge is many people do not realise the resource they have, they do not utilize it yet, they cannot identify it. After you check your own resource, you find that there is one or two more resources that you need to get what you want then why don't you find it in other people or other resource somewhere else?
Now you have all the resources to get what you want...What next? The next thing that you need to do is to start acting, MAKE A MOVE!!!
Start doing things that you need to do to make your goal come true. A small step will bring you to 100kms journey. But remember once you make a move, you should MAINTAIN your spirit as it is your own target.
Its that easy isn't it?
So what are you waiting for? This is the end of the year. Let's start 2009 with a new way of looking at our life. Let's navigate our life with a new and reliable compass of life, it is your WFO.
Good luck...
What is a new year mean?
For some people it doesn't mean anything. A new year eve just another night they spend without any different from other nights.
For some other it just a night for celebrating a special night with friends and colleagues.
For the rest of the people, and I don't think there are many of this kind, consider new year's eve as a moment for creating a future plan. They are making what is known in NLP as Well Formed Outcome.
So what is well formed outcome?
The idea is that you answer the question of "What do you want?"
You should mention what you want in order to really feel it. It is like a target when you shoot. This goal must be stated in positive sentence. For example instead of saying that you DON'T WANT TO BE SICK then it is much powerful if you say you WANT TO BE HEALTHY.
Once you know what do you want or what do you want to be then you start asking "When do you decide to get what do you want?"
Once you know when you want to get it, you then ask "What does it feel when you get it?"
If you can feel it, taste it, smell it or see the thing that you want then you will be more powerful, energetic, and highly motivated to work and reach it.
So now you start asking "What are the resource that you have to get it?"
One presupossition that you must keep in your mind that "People have all the resources they need within themselves." The challenge is many people do not realise the resource they have, they do not utilize it yet, they cannot identify it. After you check your own resource, you find that there is one or two more resources that you need to get what you want then why don't you find it in other people or other resource somewhere else?
Now you have all the resources to get what you want...What next? The next thing that you need to do is to start acting, MAKE A MOVE!!!
Start doing things that you need to do to make your goal come true. A small step will bring you to 100kms journey. But remember once you make a move, you should MAINTAIN your spirit as it is your own target.
Its that easy isn't it?
So what are you waiting for? This is the end of the year. Let's start 2009 with a new way of looking at our life. Let's navigate our life with a new and reliable compass of life, it is your WFO.
Good luck...
Kamis, 18 Desember 2008
What is not NLP?
Today I went for a long trip to Pasaman, one Kabupaten in northern part of West Sumatera. I was accompanied by a friend who had sit for NLP Practitioner and Master training. We talked or discussed many topics and try to relate it to NLP. As a matter of fact there are so many things that can be analysed by using NLP. When we talked about teaching and learning process in school setting and in training setting, we find NLP is there. When we talked about parenting, NLP is a powerful and useful tools to use. When we talked about business communication and presentation, we can do much better by applying the knowledge of NLP. When we discussed about therapy and healing, you can rely on NLP.
So we came to a conclusion that most of the things that we find our daily activities can be analysed, utilized, and improved by using NLP.
By the time you read this article, I was applying one of NLP tool that is reframing your understanding on NLP. Why I did so? Many (how many?) when they talked about NLP as if they talked about one academic and complicated theory of personal development and communication methods.
Is it so?
Yap! You're right ...
Of course NOT.
NLP is about your daily life...
NLP is about your daily communication...
NLP is about your day to day interaction with people, with the environment, with the situation...
NLP is about LIFE
So we came to a conclusion that most of the things that we find our daily activities can be analysed, utilized, and improved by using NLP.
By the time you read this article, I was applying one of NLP tool that is reframing your understanding on NLP. Why I did so? Many (how many?) when they talked about NLP as if they talked about one academic and complicated theory of personal development and communication methods.
Is it so?
Yap! You're right ...
Of course NOT.
NLP is about your daily life...
NLP is about your daily communication...
NLP is about your day to day interaction with people, with the environment, with the situation...
NLP is about LIFE
Rabu, 17 Desember 2008
How Expensive Our Education is
This afternoon the house of representative stipulate a new regulation on higher education. As always there are some controversies...
Many people agrees that education is an investment.
Many people also agrees that the investment should or would create some returns.
So if we can have a common understanding on the way of an investment that we would be agree that education should be an expensive investment. If we want a high return then we should invest more.
Many times we see there are some contradiction on investment for education. People tend to invest less in education but once they get the education they want to have the highest return they could. Isn't it contradiction?
Yes education is the right for the people, and I agree that government should provide education that affordable for the people. I cannot deny that for some people the education are a luxurious thing. However we should also realize that education is a high cost institution, there are so many investment the government should provide to run a public educational institution. It is a very high cost business. Yet some people, with a very high income, can afford whatever the cost of the education.
Let's take an example of one public university in my region. The tuition is only two hundred thousand per month.
Hello everyone...there are students who pays their telephone bills for more than five hundreds thousand per months, there are people who spend one million only for their laundry, there are people around the city where I live who spend no less than one million only for maintaining their hair.
So is it education expensive?
Yes I also realize there are people who cannot afford to pay for buying food let alone the two hundred thousand rupiah for tuition only.
But this doesn't mean that our education should be less than the cost of maintaining someone's hair.
The best way is to have some formula that enable the poor to be able to take the benefit from the education, but do not undervalue the education.
My experience when I live in a developed country, they have a formula that enables the poor and lower income people to get the education yet the education is very expensive.
Finally we should realize that the investment we make worth the return we get. Let's change our way of thinking from old economic way of thinking: Dengan Modal sekecil-kecilnya, Dapatkan Untung sebesar-besarnya (the least capital the most benefit), menjadi Untuk Mendapatkan Untung besar kita harus berinvestasi yang besar pula.
Wondering when can we have a world class of education...
World class of universities
World class of students
World class of thought
Many people agrees that education is an investment.
Many people also agrees that the investment should or would create some returns.
So if we can have a common understanding on the way of an investment that we would be agree that education should be an expensive investment. If we want a high return then we should invest more.
Many times we see there are some contradiction on investment for education. People tend to invest less in education but once they get the education they want to have the highest return they could. Isn't it contradiction?
Yes education is the right for the people, and I agree that government should provide education that affordable for the people. I cannot deny that for some people the education are a luxurious thing. However we should also realize that education is a high cost institution, there are so many investment the government should provide to run a public educational institution. It is a very high cost business. Yet some people, with a very high income, can afford whatever the cost of the education.
Let's take an example of one public university in my region. The tuition is only two hundred thousand per month.
Hello everyone...there are students who pays their telephone bills for more than five hundreds thousand per months, there are people who spend one million only for their laundry, there are people around the city where I live who spend no less than one million only for maintaining their hair.
So is it education expensive?
Yes I also realize there are people who cannot afford to pay for buying food let alone the two hundred thousand rupiah for tuition only.
But this doesn't mean that our education should be less than the cost of maintaining someone's hair.
The best way is to have some formula that enable the poor to be able to take the benefit from the education, but do not undervalue the education.
My experience when I live in a developed country, they have a formula that enables the poor and lower income people to get the education yet the education is very expensive.
Finally we should realize that the investment we make worth the return we get. Let's change our way of thinking from old economic way of thinking: Dengan Modal sekecil-kecilnya, Dapatkan Untung sebesar-besarnya (the least capital the most benefit), menjadi Untuk Mendapatkan Untung besar kita harus berinvestasi yang besar pula.
Wondering when can we have a world class of education...
World class of universities
World class of students
World class of thought
Selasa, 16 Desember 2008

Walaupun sudah hampir dua bulan saya meninggalkan kawah candra dimuka NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) namun proses pembelajaran dan pendalamannya masih terus berlangsung hingga kini. Semakin hari saya semakin merasakan bahwasanya NLP adalah alat untuk menciptakan dan mengeluarkan kesempurnaan yang ada pada manusia.
NLP bukanlah agama baru tapi merupakan alat yang dengan alat ini kita akan semakin memahami agama kita dan semakin berenergi untuk menjalankannya.
Dalam menghadapi tantangan kehidupan, ada dua prinsip dasar yang diajarkan oleh agama saya, Islam. Pertama sekali yang harus kita ingat bahwasanya Allah tidak menurunkan beban pada kita kecuali kita sanggup memikulnya.
Yang Kedua kita juga harus ingat bahwasanya Allah menciptakan manusia dalam sesempurna penciptaan.
Kedua keterangan atau boleh dikatakan MANUAL penciptaan manusia tidak mungkin dapat kita membantahnya karena memang demikianlah kenyataannya.
Kedua kenyataan tersebut sudah cukup membuat kita untuk bekerja dengan maksimal dan berusaha terus tanpa kenal lelah karena apapun yang kita hadapi, kondisi apapun yang kita temui pastilah kita sanggup menghadapi terlebih lagi karena kita memang seorang makhluk yang diciptakan secara sempurna.
Kita sanggup karena kita sempurna, kita sempurna karena kita memiliki kesanggupan.
Kita diciptakan sempurna itu sudah pasti. Sempurna dengan diberi-Nya kekuatan fisik, sempurna dengan diberi-Nya kekuatan berfikir, sempurna dengan diberi-Nya kemampuan merasakan dan menciptakan kebahagiaan, sempurna dengan dititipkan-Nya ketrampilan dan kesanggupan untuk mengelola hidup.
Kenapa ada masalah? Dari mana datangnya masalah?
Masalah ada karena kita yang menciptakannya, dan datangnya masalah juga dari kita.
Sering tanpa sadar kita mengeluarkan pernyataan yang intinya menunjukkan ketidak berdayaan kita, ketidaksanggupan kita, kelemahan-kelemahan kita. Hal ini sering melalaikan kita dari dua kenyataan tadi bahwasanya kita memiliki kesanggupan dan kesempurnaan.
Tidak ada yang bisa membantu, tidak ada yang sanggup menolong diri kita kecuali kita sendiri yang berbuat. Kita sendirilah yang menggali kembali kekuatan dan kesempurnaan yang ada kita miliki.
Ketika orang akan memulai usaha, biasanya mereka sibuk memikirkan modal. Kemana mereka bisa meminjam modal, siapa ya yang bisa membantu mereka.
Ternyata....Seberapa banyak yang orang bisa bantu? Sampai berapa lama modal yang ada?
Tidak dapat menjamin bahwasanya usaha tersebut akan berjalan dengan baik. Karena memang tidak ada yang akan sanggup membantu kita kecuali kita sendiri yang MEMBANTU DIRI kita.
Bantulah diri Kita dengan menggali kembali helai demi helai kesempurnaan yang ada... apa yang kita mampu kerjakan sendiri TANPA ada campur tangan orang lain...
Pertanyaannya bukan: What's wrong with me? What was happening? What did people do wrong? Why people did this to me? Karena pertanyaan pertanyaan ini akan semakin membenarkan kondisi ketidak berdayaan kita, pertanyaan-pertanyaan ini akan semakin membuat kita tidak bisa melihat kemampuan, kesanggupan dan kesempurnaan diri kita. Kita hanya akan MENYALAHKAN orang lain, selanjutnya MEMBENARKAN kelemahan kita, dan akhirnya MENJUSTIFIKASI bahwa kita memang harus ditolong. Kita tidak melihat kekuatan, kesanggupan, dan kesempurnaan yang kita miliki.
Jadi pertanyaan yang benar adalah: "What do I want?"
Mulai sekarang kita buatlah gambaran sebuah kehidupan yang sangat sempurna karena memang kita diciptakan sempurna. Galilah setiap potensi yang kita miliki. Milikilah mimpi besar tapi mulailah dengan melakukan hal-hal yang sanggup kita miliki.
Buatlah target-target...
Jalanilah hari-hari dengan menapaki sebuah PETA yang membawa kita kepada suatu arah yang jelas.
Kita bisa menciptakan kenyataan sebagaimana yang kita inginkan. Allah sendiri menjamin dalam hadist Qudsi: "Aku mengikuti prasangka hambaKu".
Bagaimana kita bisa terbebas dari masalah sementara yang ada dalam fikiran kita adalah masalah, kelemahan, ketidaksanggupan.
Kita akan mendapatkan kesempurnaan tersebut dengan mengisi hari-hari kita dengan optimisme, perencanaan dan keyakinan akan kesanggupan yang kita miliki.
Tinggalkan lah masa lalu, karena tidak akan ada yang dapat kita perbuatan untuk mengembalikannya...Mari jalani kehidupan kita hari ini sebagai langkah-langkah kecil kita menyongsong masa depan yang cerah, penuh kebahagiaan, penuh suka cita...
Mari mulai saat ini pergunakan bahasa yang memotivasi kita...bahasa yang membukakan kepada kita begitu banyak pintu-pintu kemungkinan yang Allah sodorkan buat kita membuka dan masuki...
Yakinlah kita bisa mendapatkan kebahagiaan tanpa harus bergantung dengan orang lain...
Entah bagaimana caranya...begitu kita memiliki keyakinan akan kesempurnaan dan kesanggupan menjalani hidup ini Allah akan menunjukkan jalan kebahagiaan itu.
Wallahu a'lam
Senin, 15 Desember 2008
Eternal Capital
Many times people ask for capital to run their business. We have plan the strategies to run our business, we have made sure that all the strategies run well. But once we encounter with the fact that we have less or undervalued capital, all the plan and strategies seems useless.
So what is the real capital we need?
Is it money? Is it human resources? Is it raw material the resources we need?
Believe me my friends...the real capital that we need is the eternal capital.
What is it?
It is our spirit of struggling.
It is our clear goal and our persistence to reach it.
This is the virtual yet eternal capital that everybody must have to run their business.
Good luck...
So what is the real capital we need?
Is it money? Is it human resources? Is it raw material the resources we need?
Believe me my friends...the real capital that we need is the eternal capital.
What is it?
It is our spirit of struggling.
It is our clear goal and our persistence to reach it.
This is the virtual yet eternal capital that everybody must have to run their business.
Good luck...
So What Do YOU Want?
Problems, difficulties, and obstacles are everywhere around us. To make it less burdening, people tend to address it as CHALLENGES. Whatever they are, we have to face it, we have to devour it. But then what we should do? Leave it alone? Face it? or What?
The best thing we could do is asking ourselves, WHAT DO WE WANT?
If we're happy, I believe nobody would, with those burden then enjoy it. You don't need to do anything. If you're not happy with that so do what you can do to make you happy.
The most important thing we should learn something from whatever happen in our DAILY life.
Let's create more positive and powerful life...
The best thing we could do is asking ourselves, WHAT DO WE WANT?
If we're happy, I believe nobody would, with those burden then enjoy it. You don't need to do anything. If you're not happy with that so do what you can do to make you happy.
The most important thing we should learn something from whatever happen in our DAILY life.
Let's create more positive and powerful life...
Minggu, 14 Desember 2008
I can't do it Dad...
Many times we have to face a condition in which our children belief that they cannot do something, say study. They belief that they cannot do well in their math, or in their English. So what do we do?
Agreeing with them and asking WHY they do not do well in any subject may not help so much as this will STRENGTHEN their belief.
One of the thing that we can do is first Give them a very big hug, a warm and tenderly one. This will release their stress. Secondly find their best way of doing things, the things that they can do best. Try to copy this behaviour to the situation where they feel uncomfortable.
Finally tell them that they can do it and you believe they can do it.
Have a try...
Agreeing with them and asking WHY they do not do well in any subject may not help so much as this will STRENGTHEN their belief.
One of the thing that we can do is first Give them a very big hug, a warm and tenderly one. This will release their stress. Secondly find their best way of doing things, the things that they can do best. Try to copy this behaviour to the situation where they feel uncomfortable.
Finally tell them that they can do it and you believe they can do it.
Have a try...
Sabtu, 13 Desember 2008
NLP for Parenting: What do you install everyday?
In my DAILY activities as a parent, I'm a father of three little children, talking to the kids is one big challenges now. I start to realize about this when I know that our communication with the kids is our unconscious way of installing value. Before understanding about NLP I didn't really care about my way of communication with the kids, I just regarded it as another life consequences. But I now I really understand that whatever we say, whatever we do and whatever we react to them is installing something to them.
So what program we install to our children everyday?
So what program we install to our children everyday?
Jumat, 12 Desember 2008
Constructive Program VS Virus: Daily Facts
Dear Visitors...
As you read this article I want you to realize that every minute in our life
we are controlled or programmed.
The question is whether it is a positive program, a constructive one, or is it a virus - a destructive program - that may destroy not only the software in our necktop - our brain as a super computer - but also the hardware.
What you say, what you read, what you listen, what you do, and whatever you think have a potential to be either constructive or destructive.
My knowledge on NLP helping me to choose the right program for me.
So the choice is in our hand.
As you read this article I want you to realize that every minute in our life
we are controlled or programmed.
The question is whether it is a positive program, a constructive one, or is it a virus - a destructive program - that may destroy not only the software in our necktop - our brain as a super computer - but also the hardware.
What you say, what you read, what you listen, what you do, and whatever you think have a potential to be either constructive or destructive.
My knowledge on NLP helping me to choose the right program for me.
So the choice is in our hand.
About Myself
Hasbi is my name.
Yes it's only five letters but it carries a very powerful meaning.
It is taken from Arabic word which means ENOUGH.
I'm number 8 in my family of 8 so you know what ENOUGH here ...
Life cannot satisfied everyone unless they feel ENOUGH with whatever they possess. So another meaning from my name is the message for e
Enough about my name...
I've three kids, Aisyah is my youngest daughter, as she is helping me while I'm creating this blog so I take her name for my account name.
I'm interested in developing NLP as a new tools for helping us creating better life on the basis of daily events.
My interest in NLP arose as I found out that there are many resources that I have but I don't how to utilize it. So I take the NLP Practitioner training with Ronny FR at the end of October. During the training I plan to develop this new approach in creating our life for daily challenges that many people encounter.
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